Auch im Englischunterricht wird das Thema  Fairtrade behandelt. Die angehenden Erzieherinnen und Erzieher (Oberstufe) beschäftigten sich u.a. mit dem Thema Mode. Sie fanden heraus, wie Kleidung produziert wird und wie der Handel mit dieser Kleidung funktioniert. Dabei untersuchten sie die Möglichkeiten, wie man als Verbraucher bzw. Konsument dazu beitragen kann, die Lebensbedingungen in den entsprechenden Ländern zu verbessern.


Klasse: E11/21


Jgst.: 13


Fach: Englisch


Thema: Globalisation




Fair Trade




1. Jeans – The Journey of Blue Jeans in a Global, Liberalised World




–       What do you know about jeans?


–       What do you think where jeans are fabricated?


–       Look at the map and the information below. Describe the production process.


–       Are you surprised? Explain why or why not.


–       Comment on the process. (What do you think of it?)




2. Kenya – Focus on Working Conditions




–       Describe the working conditions in EPZ’s garment factories.


–       Identify the culprits for the depressing employment conditions.


–       Explain the part the process of globalisation plays.


–       Analyse the choice of words and expressions that stress the workers’ situation.




3. Fair Trade




–       Find fair conditions for everyone in the production of goods that are sold in developed countries.


–       What do you know about fair trade?


–       Do you know any fair trade shops or products in your area?/ Which products do you buy?/ Have you noticed any difference between fair trade products and not fair trade products?


–       Read the text and explain how fair trade helps small farmers.


–       Listen to the thoughts of American economist and university professor Joseph Stiglitz on globalisation (Hörtext) and take notes.


–       Comment on the solutions. Do you think this is possible for Germany? Explain your opinion.


–       Homework: Find more information about fair trade. What are the requisites a product has to have for becoming fair trade?


–       Which goods can you buy fair trade?/ Which labels are there?/ What are the requisites a product has to have for becoming fair trade?


–       What do you think of it? Is fair trade fashion an option for you?






–       Jeans – The Journey of Blue Jeans in a Global, Liberalised World in: Schöningh: Topics for advanced learners – Discover… Globalisation – Blessing or Curse? (2007)


–       Kenya – Focus on Working Conditions in EPZ Companies in: Schöningh: Topics for advanced learners – Discover… Globalisation – Blessing or Curse? (2007)


–       A fair world? In: Klett: Challenge – Englisch für Berufliche Gymnasien, Klassen 12/13 (Band 2)(2012)


–       Hörtext: Making globalisation work in: Klett: Challenge – Englisch für Berufliche Gymnasien, Lehrerhandbuch mit Medien-DVD und Audio CDs (2012).

Klett Challenge A fair world Schöningh Discover Globalisation Jeans